Industrial visit to AMTEK Industries, KIADB park by FAD, TD and PGDM students

Industrial Visit for FAD, TD, and PGDM students to AMTEK INDUSTRIES, KIADB park held in September to enhance student’s knowledge specifically in the field of embroidery which holds quite a lot of importance in the field of design ….be it fashion garments or textiles. By means of reconstruction design, the fashion/textile designer can change the appearance of silk, and form the visual impact. Among the techniques of reconstruction design of fabric,embroidery as a traditional skill of clothing decoration is the important means to give outstanding style and individual character of a silk dress. AMTEK has been into this business for years now and has marked its metal. They are into 100% of exports. Students went around the plant and saw all kinds of machines, fabric stores, finishing areas, and packaging too.

Our team of students is also working on a project for AMTEK, where they have to design and present their ideas over different products that are innovative and unique. It was a very practically enriching experience for students.

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Visit to Beluru & Halebeedu

On June 19, 2024, all the students from the Interior Design Department, accompanied by their faculty members, embarked on an educational excursion to Beluru and

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Visit to MAP Bengaluru

The Department of Animation and Multimedia collaboration with the Fashion Design department had organised a visit to the Museum of Art and Photography (MAP) to