Mission & Vision
CREATE – Design Thinkers, Innovators & Global Leaders
Vogue’s students are problem solvers, artists, and innovators who learn to apply the transformative capacity of design responsibly, creatively, and purposefully. Our diverse community of students and faculty explore multiple sites and scales of engagement, from on-campus research initiatives to partnerships that bring about change for India and the world.
of our students successfully graduate and begin their career development.
Vogue’s future will be shaped by the core values that have defined our past: curricular innovation, collaborative methods, pioneering uses of technology, and experimentation. Vogue shares an institutional vision that aligns with shifts in the global economy, society, and environment, which animate our mission and our values.

3 Pillars Of Our Educational Approach
1. Driving Future-Ready Skill Development
We continue to run both student and teacher workshops that support the development of future ready skills. Leveraging our proprietary methodologies, we cultivate student passions and unique ideas to transform their local and global communities. We connect learning to the real world; driving student voice, choice and engagement.
2. Transforming to Inquiry-Based Learning
As a strategic partner to our students, we continue to support the their initiative to drive inquiry based learning across all grades through professional development and course delivery. Our goal is to transform the learning environment into a hub of innovation where students experiment, explore and problem solve. We offer ongoing mentorship and support through our online professional learning community.
3. Innovation Strategy and Implementation
Leveraging our Future Skills Index, we worked with the design community to benchmark the current state and developed strategic action plans to support the ongoing implementation of project based learning. We continue to deliver professional development and support the delivery of new programs through our experiential curriculum.