So What Is “Best For You”?

It’s that time of the year when under graduate students get anxious about their next leap, which would be a tell-tale of where they would eventually end up in the so called ‘rat race.’ In my entire career, I have seen many students joining courses only to regret later. Children are much smarter today but unfortunately the blunder of “because my friend opted for this” still occurs. For many it can truly be a daunting task to choose between what is good and what is “best for them!” As per norms, medicine may be a good field, but if you are inclined to the arts, it is definitely not “best for you.” So how does one decide what’s best for them?


Follow your instincts:

The first step would be of course to join the line of education that interests you most, in which you probably have an innate aptitude; the ‘inner calling’ you can say. Remember, you will be doing this all your life! Let’s say, you enjoy the ‘art of giving,’ then a desk job is likely to kill you. Community service, education, medicine would be your calling. Similarly, if you are artistic, the options for you can range from fine arts, fashion designing, jewellery designing, product designing, accessory designing, automobile designing and so on. Whether its medicine, engineering, entrepreneurship, art, design, media, community service, research, defence, language, science, education, music, agriculture, management, airline, law, sport, etc., your work is half done if you got that right! Just keep in mind the scope, i.e., in this fast moving world, your choice of study should not become redundant after five to six years.

The next best:

Once there, you are thrown to an array of specializations. Choose wisely. Single out the one that compliments your interest and personality, such that your own personality would be of value addition to the chosen field. For example, a person who is brimming with ideas for development would best suit the research or design field; he would feel lost in the retail sector (which would be best for an extrovert). An introvert would do no good in marketing; he would be comfortable with behind the scene jobs. Go backwards! That is, first understand the job market your course specializations offer and then which amongst them would you want to make your domain. For example, a fashion designing course student can opt from merchandising, designing, retail, fashion journalism, entrepreneurship, education, etc. as per his interest.

Money matters!

Emoluments also play an important role in job satisfaction. Google up remunerations’ in your field, so that you are aware beforehand what your field offers you. Many follow a field only to find out later that emoluments are far less than what they had expected. Your lifestyle would depend on it. So, jump with your eyes wide open.

Do the blah blah:

Talk to as many people as you can from your field to gather knowledge of your field. Your mind will accept the transition from college to job better since you are aware beforehand what environment to expect. Better still, choose internship in the exact field you desire. You will have a first-hand experience and you will be able to gauge whether you are treading the right path.


Place can be important to people who are hell bent for whatever reasons to stay in a particular city. Not all types of jobs are available everywhere. If place is a matter of concern, then do your homework. But you have to remember that such demands on yourself can stifle your growth. If you are okay with that, then it is no harm. Once you have given each point a thought, you are bound to make the right choice. So head on! My advice to those who find themselves in wrong careers midway: Don’t crib! If you have found your heart’s calling, it is better to change right away. Don’t think twice. Better utilize your next five years in your new found love, after which it is smooth sailing, or waste the next fifty years! Since I am from the designing field, my coming blogs will throw light on various design fields that one can opt from, what personality traits will suit each field, the available job options in the field, the perks, etc., etc. I will be covering fashion designing, merchandizing, retail management, textile designing, fashion journalism, interior designing, accessory designing, jewellery designing, product designing and a few more, along with names of institutes foe the specific courses like NID, NIFT, Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology, etc. and what they offer. There will be a separate blog for each course. Read till you find yours! Adieu people! Rest in the next!

– Ritu S.

(Ritu has been associated with various reputed colleges in Goa and Bangalore as lecturer in the field of fashion design)

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