Visit to Khadi Mahotsav

Nearly 100 students from FAD and Textile Design at Vogue Institute of Art & Design visited Khadi Mahotsav at Freedom Park on 11th February 2020. The fair promoted products from the cottage industry and created awareness about the art of different states. This was a step to provide employment opportunities for weavers and workers in the cottage industry. Our students had a deeper understanding of the various artistic creations, be it jewelry to pottery making, khaki designs to fabric textures. We at VIAD would like to support the rural community of workers. 

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Visit to Beluru & Halebeedu

On June 19, 2024, all the students from the Interior Design Department, accompanied by their faculty members, embarked on an educational excursion to Beluru and

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Visit to MAP Bengaluru

The Department of Animation and Multimedia collaboration with the Fashion Design department had organised a visit to the Museum of Art and Photography (MAP) to