Power to create: Visual effects, Animation, Graphic and Web Designing

How many of us haven’t wished to be in the chocolate and cake world of Hansel and Gretal (of course, minus the witch)? As children we all have lived in our own fantasy worlds. Some with friendly jungle animals, some with sparkling rainbow coloured land of flowers and butterflies and yet others in space with its wonders (effects of the Star Trek)! What is even more wonderful is that our wonder lands can be converted to reality … at least on screen. And the wonder that can make it possible is called Animation Design. Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion. In lay mans term, by means of images that are displayed in quick progression, we are able to visualize the images as ‘moving.’ This is just one aspect. Graphic design, web design and visual effects also use one’s imagination to full capacity. In a world that is fast going online, a course in any of these fields have a great deal of opportunities. Almost all companies require web designers to showcase themselves in the virtual world. Graphic designers are in demand for designing logos or other print or online material required for advertising. Visuals effects are the need of many commercials and almost every second movie. By the way, do you perceive gaming as a career? Then welcome! It is here that you get to learn game designing as well. With so many stimulating choices, it is no wonder that many youngsters are choosing animation as a career.

Entry to the enchanted

There are several institutes offering courses in animation that one can join as per choice and convenience. One such institute is the Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology (VIFT), Bangalore. Since its inception in the year 1996, VIFT has travelled an illustrious journey, thriving on its initial objective and promise of imparting industry specific education to today’s youth. The institution, rated as one of the top fashion designing colleges in India, has been focusing in providing training that promotes employable skills and enhances social relevance. After 10+2, one can opt from degree, diploma or certificate programmes in animation and multimedia, graphic design, web design, visual effects, 3D animation, design visualization or VFX available at VIFT. These courses are designed to understand the chosen subject as an essential frame-by-frame art. The students are technically, creatively and graphically trained to create believable motion. They acquire a comprehensive foundation in understanding the principles and elements of the design and its technicalities. The courses offered are designed to train students with the technical advances of creative animation. These courses in animation train students to create extra-ordinary animated graphics. The course prepares one with subjects like fundamentals, history, principles, sketching, digitalization, animation, graphic designing, web designing, gaming designing, editing, visual effects, etc. Through production pipeline, the student learns the whole process to create. From concept to story to storyboarding to animatics to design to animation to visual effects to editing to the final output, this learning process lends proficiency to the students.

Final fantasy

This futuristic design field opens up many amazing career possibilities: Graphic Artist, Storyboard and Concept Artist, Digital Artist, Cartoonist, 2D/3D Animator, Character Designer, VFX Artist, Design Consultant, Game designer, UI/UX Designer, Special Effects Consultant, Digital Post Production Engineer, Art Director, Instructor. Graduates are eligible to join TV & Film Production Companies, Advertising Agencies, Education Software Developers, or pursue a career in Media and Journalism. Entry level income ranges from 15 to 20 thousands per month and there is no limit to a person with calibre and imagination. If you have set your mind on animation design as a career, then the next time your mom catches you daydreaming, just tell her, “Mom, it is imagination that is going to get me everywhere!!” 😉

– Ritu S. with inputs from Madhuchandra K A

(Madhuchandra is faculty in Animation at VIFT. Ritu has been associated with various reputed colleges in Goa, Bangalore and Vadodara as faculty in the field of fashion design)
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best animation colleges in Bangalore

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