Who are Textile Designers? Requirements for Becoming a Textile Designer

Textile designers are responsible for creating two-dimensional patterns that appear on a variety of different fabrics. Textile designers, sometimes referred to as fabric designers are involved not only in clothing and carpet designs but upholstery, too. The field encompasses the actual pattern making as well as supervising part or all of the production process.

Requirements for becoming a Textile Designer?

To become a textile designer, a person needs to have a strong fashion sense, research skills, and design skills. An interested person will need to constantly research the market for trends and keep up-to-date on developments both in style and on the manufacturing end.

Textile designers work within and alongside industries such as interior design. They may also move into designing paper goods, ceramics or other items that require patterns. Textile designing encompasses not only drawing skill but business savvy and customer relations as well.

A student interested in textile design should consider a degree in textile designing courses from a university. Alternatively, she/he may consider an art degree or an associate degree in a computer-related field.

CAD Skills for Textile Designing

Computer-aided design skills (CAD) skills are important since the student will need to both sketches her designs by hand and recreate them in computer. Understanding color theory and key design principles are also important for a textile designer.

So anyone who wants to become a textile designer should keep a portfolio of her work. This portfolio usually includes hand-drawn sketches and patterns, and any finished or sample products.

The degree in Fashion and Apparel Designing course and diploma course for fashion designing are available at Vogue Institute of Art & Design. The fashion design training institute prepares aspiring designers for careers in the textile and garment design fields and general fashion design.

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